10.30.evan (wow another month)
things i really really like:
belle and sebastian-dear catastrophe waitress/ tigermilk
donnie darko soundtrack
new deathcabforcutie
flaming lips-soft bulletin
iron and wine-everythingandanything
broadcast-tour cd.
new rapture is quite interesting
iron and wine - waiting for superman (live)
dismemberment plan - super powers (erik grundel mix)
rasputina - fox in ths snow (b+s cover)
allnighters doing homework.
9.24 .ahmed
jay farrar-third shift grotto slack e.p.
pretty girls make graves-mr.club
denali-hold your breath
mogwai-yes! i am a long way from home
outkast-heya/i like the way you move
talib kweli-guerrilla mansoon rap
rilo kiley-the execution of all things
four tet-she moves she
farsight-lares and penates/18
skies bleed black-paint the sky dead/going home
9.19 .evan
decemberists-cocoon & grace cathedral hill
iron and wine-sleeping diagonally (6/7 rethought)
broken social scene-i'm still your fag
beachwood sparks-by your side
pinback-tripoli and loro
9.4 .evan
american football-never meant
my morning jacket-golden
pretty girls make graves-holy names & teeth collector
talib kwelli-good to you
elliot smith-speed trials
genetically yours-you should watch them
8.15 .ahmed
norma jean-bless the martyr & kiss the child
(the whole album)
prefuse 73-the color of tempo
avec-the piper,ltd
8.13.03 .evan
belle & sebastian-women's
don't leave the light on baby, family tree
dj shadow-mutual slump
mogwai-boring machines disturbs sleep
microphones-i'm a pearl diver
prefuse 73-track 23
8.4.03 .evan
mum-smell memory, random summer
coughing-soft serve
new porno-"and the bells sing no no no..."
dj shadow-stem/long stem
blur-nice song
lips-fight test
the organ
7.28.03 .t and e
kylie minogue-whole cd
justin timberlake-seniorita
in from the cold
broken social scene-anthems
depeche mode-never let me down again
american analog set-new cd
girls make graves-speakers push the air
rilo kiley-are sweet in concert
belle and sebastian-fuck this shit
i don't want to play football
mcdonalds apple pies-are tasty
7.22.03 .ahmed
ben hendricks-out in the
the fucking champs-what's a little reign?
the mars volta-the whole record
sans arc-gamma rays
calm blue-drying dead (go see them live)<- that's not part of the song title
aloha-we get
erland oye-a sudden rush
the people under the stairs-montego slay
talib kweli- the album 'quality'
wheat-flat black & don't i hold you
sweetheart-this song is about arms
belle and sebastian-
fold your hands child you walk like a peasant
petra haden & bill frisell- yellow (coldplay cover, much better)
mum-i'm 9 today
song of zarathrusta-mess of zero
sigur ros-track 8
blood brother-ambulance vs. ambulance
7.15.03 .evan
the walkmen-everyone who pretended to like me is gone
belle and sebastian-fox in
the snow
prefuse 73-choking you & why i love you
pankration's concert on 7.11
ahmad szabo-this
book is about words
7.6.03 .evan
pernice brothers-working girls
bjork-all is full of love (stigmata
broken social scene-kc accidental
aimee mann-this is how it goes
beck-track 11 "maybe i'll see you/maybe
i wiiiiiiillll"
maybe some more.
6.27.03 .ahmed/evan
beyonce-crazy in love
of an uninteresting event
postal service-tracks1,2,6,7,9,10 ...so we like this cd (the ones in between aren't half bad)
ben gibbards home cd
prefuse 73-plastic
four tet-she moves she, cradle, laila came round and we went to a movie.
dilinger escape plan-when good dogs do bad things
microphones-the moon/the glow pt4
matt pond pa-fairlee
i'm so unhappy
norma jean-a shotgun message
aids mistaken for sars - any and all